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lunedì 13 giugno 2016

Waltzing with allergens: Thought-leaders gather in Vienna to discuss precision medicine and precision health in allergy and asthma

Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI)


  • 35th Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology presents the latest developments in allergy, asthma and clinical immunology


  • New dedicated congress sessions on biomarkers and quality of care and their implementation in personalised medicine and precision health


  • The latest research studies on biomarkers in allergic diseases and asthma present future therapeutic approaches and methods for earlier diagnosis

Zurich, 13 June 2016 In it's 60th Anniversary year, the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), is host to over 8,000 international clinicians, researchers and allied health professionals from around the world, at their annual congress in Austria (Vienna) from 11-15 June; the most important professional meeting of the year for advances in precision medicine and precision health in allergy and asthma.

This year, attendees have submitted close to 2,000 abstracts under the congress theme "Waltzing with Allergens" which symbolises the ever-turning dance of research science with clinical practice. Advances in research, diagnosis and treatment of allergic and immunologic diseases are the result of many partnerships between basic scientists, clinicians, patients and academia working together to revolutionise how we improve health and treat disease.

Precision medicine for better management of allergic diseases

Precision medicine represents a novel approach to medicine and is of broad relevance for the management of asthma, rhinitis, food allergy and atopic dermatitis, embracing the key features: personalised care based on molecular, immunologic and functional endotyping of the disease, with participation of the patient in the decision making process of therapeutic actions, and taking into account predictive and preventive aspects of the treatment.

Progress has been made in profiling type 2 immune response-driven asthma. However, the endotype driven approach for non-type 2 immune response asthma, rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis is lagging behind. Validation and qualification of biomarkers are needed to facilitate their translation into pathway-specific diagnostic tests. "Wide consensus between academia, governmental regulators, and industry for further development and application of precision medicine in management of allergic diseases is of utmost importance. Improved knowledge of disease pathogenesis together with defining validated and qualified biomarkers are key approaches to precision medicine," states Antonella Muraro, MD.

Implementation of precision medicine into clinical practice may help to achieve the arrest of the epidemic of allergies and chronic airways diseases. Nevertheless, precision within healthcare centres requires a number of advances including improved disease taxonomy, full patient monitoring using novel digital technology, improved understanding and common usage of disease phenotypes, endotypes and biomarkers preferentially at the point of care, and also biomarker and endotype-linked patient care. 

Implementation of biomarkers in personalised medicine

For personalised medicine, biomarkers are an important tool in the dissection of disease endotypes. Novel biomarkers are important to improve allergy diagnosis and treatment. The use of biomarkers was a main topic of research in Vienna as the building blocks towards precision medicine and precision health in regard to allergic disease.

The latest research presented included a study from London and Manchester (UK) universities showing a group of allergens that are unique to children with persistent troublesome wheeze, that would allow clinicians to distinguish them in early life from children with persistent controlled wheeze. Additionally, a profile of miRNA's on eosinophils is able to discriminate between asthma and healthy status. This 'miRNA's signature' could be used like biomarker of asthma pathology, opening up future therapeutic approaches.

A world premiere in the field of molecular allergology

EAACI announces the launch of the new user guide in 'Molecular Allergology' (MAUG). The launch is a world debut in the field of molecular allergology, with contributions from over 50 key opinion leaders.

The new developments in molecular allergology will allow clinicians to obtain detailed information on sensitisation patterns and more accurate interpretation of allergic symptoms. This information provides the basis for a refined, earlier diagnosis of the allergic reactions and ultimately for a tailored individualised management of the patient, including opportunities for prevention. In this regard, molecular allergology is a further, excellent example of how allergy is linked to precision medicine and drives precision health forward.

EAACI Atlases and Guidelines represent a comprehensive set of documents that are distributed for improving appraisal and proper management of allergy. This new Guide for Molecular Allergology will be another breakthrough in this regard; as a straightforward guide describing the components, the clinical benefits of testing for components as well as how to interpret results, including understanding cross-reactions.

From disease burden to prevention and health promotion

EAACI is at the forefront of allergy science and patient care, reframing the conversation in allergy and asthma. In the EU, allergies constitute a public health concern of pandemic proportions that requires immediate and concerted actions. By 2025 more than 50% of all Europeans will suffer from allergy. Disease prevention is vital to controlling this growing public health burden.

EAACI is calling upon EU and national policy makers to engage and act to coordinate actions to improve prevention and allergy care, as well as support the allocation of resources and the development of Allergy Speciality. In April 2016, over 400 members of the public, including MEPs, were tested in the 'Test, inform, prevent' event organised by the European Parliament Interest Group on Allergy and Asthma, held in the European Parliament in Brussels. 53% of skin prick tests performed at the event were positive and those involved were informed about how allergies can be diagnosed, managed and prevented. Sixteen MEPs took the test and three of them subsequently joined the EP Interest Group on Allergy and Asthma.

In Vienna, influential EU stakeholders convened into moderated discussion groups during the Vienna congress, along with representatives of EAACI leadership, EU allergy patient advocates, EU decision-makers, EU health stakeholders and representatives from the industry and from National Societies, to progress EU policies and discuss concerted actions to bring about the necessary policy changes to advance the fight against allergy and asthma in Europe.


The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) is a non-profit organisation active in the field of allergic and immunologic diseases such as asthma, rhinitis, eczema, occupational allergy, food and drug allergy, and anaphylaxis. EAACI was founded in 1956 in Florence and has become the largest medical association in Europe in the field of allergy and clinical immunology. It includes over 9,300 members from 121 countries, as well as 54 National Allergy Societies.

Over the past 60 years, EAACI has dedicated its resources to improving the health of people affected by allergic diseases and asthma. With experience and knowledge in allergy science, EAACI is the primary source of expertise in Europe and beyond for all aspects of allergic diseases and asthma.


EAACI Headquarter

Hagenholzstrasse 111, 3rd Floor

8050 Zurich  ̶  Switzerland

Tel: + 41 42055 32

Mobile: +41 78982 25





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