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sabato 4 aprile 2015

IHW - International Health and Wealth Conference, October 15 - 17, 2015 - Algarve / Portugal



Health & Wealth will meet in the Algarve / Portugal

About IHW
Call for Speakers open
Online Registration
Major Focus on

The International Health & Wealth Conference (IHW) will open its doors on October, 15 - a unique interdisciplinary and independent business networking event.
IHW is the first and only International Conference 2015 in Europe about Healthcare and wellbeing connected to most attractive complementary sectors:
Tourism, ICT, Corporate Finance and Real Estate.

IHW includes a World-Class Conference, an International Exhibition, the Project & Finance Village, workshops and training programs, as well as a number of corporate meetings and concurrent social events.

Smart Ageing and Silver Economy are on schedule, Modern Care Solutions are a top issue for "Generation 55+". Can corporate and private equity accelerate destination-driven solutions ? – Governance, business and consumers are in the spotlight.
IHW is a rare opportunity to discuss Health & Wealth in the right context, at the right place.

Register now online and download our IHW flyer!

Meet our keynote speakers

Prof. Dr. Felix Unger

Prof. Dr. Felix Unger – European Academy of Sciences and Arts – Salzburg / Austria

is member of the most important Scientific Associations in his field, and since 1990, Director of the European Institute of Health. He was chairman of the commission which prepared the report "Strategic Visions for European Healthcare at the Beginning of the 21st century.

Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Buhalis

Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Buhalis – University of Bournemouth – Bournemouth / United Kingdom

is a Strategic Management and Marketing expert with specialisation in ICT applications in Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Leisure industries. He is currently Director of the eTourism Lab and Deputy Director of the International Center for Tourism and Hospitality Research.

Prof. Dr. Mario Barbagallo

Prof. Dr. Mario Barbagallo – University of Palermo - Palermo / Italy

is full professor of Geriatrics / Director of the Geriatric Unit at the Policlinico University Hospital and author of more than 500 publications on Italian and International Journals. He will address the IHW community about the Mediterranean Diet and Healthy Ageing.

Prof. Dr. Dean Carson

Prof. Dr. Dean Carson – Visiting Fellow Arctic Research Centre – Umea University / Sweden

and Professor at Flinders University / Australia, is a social geographer with 25 years´ experience researching who lives in, works in, and visits rural areas, how rural areas change economically and socially, and how they can lead the development of eHealth technologies.

Dr. Yves Couturier

Dr. Yves Couturier – Sherbrooke University – Quebec / Canada

PhD in Applied Human Sciences, he is the Canada Research Chair on professional practice concerning integrated services in Geronotology. His research interests include integrated services, interdisciplinary work, and professional practices in health and social services.

IHW panels

© Aventimes 2015

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