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lunedì 23 novembre 2015

PR: Almirall has acquired the rights to Veltin® and Altabax® from Stiefel, a GSK company, in exchange for its distribution rights to Toctino®

·         The addition of these two products will significantly enhance Almirall’s Dermatology business, and contribute to Almirall’s vision to become a leading player in Dermatology.
·         Veltin® and Altabax® will be commercialised through Aqua Pharmaceuticals, Almirall’s US affiliate.
·         Both medicines are a perfect fit with our current portfolio, are aligned with our global strategy and strengthen our position in the US.

Almirall, the global pharmaceutical company based in Barcelona, announces the acquisition of the rights to two Dermatology products, Veltin® and Altabax®, from Stiefel, a GSK company in exchange for  distribution rights to Toctino® and an undisclosed cash payment.
In June 2010, Almirall and Basilea Pharmaceutica Ltd (Basilea) signed a distribution agreement for Toctino®, granting Almirall commercialisation rights in selected European markets and Mexico. Stiefel acquired worldwide rights to Toctino® in June 2012 from Basilea, and has now consolidated rights to Toctino® in Europe. Altabax® is a patent protected and novel topical treatment for Impetigo, a highly contagious and the most common bacteria infection in children. Veltin® is a prescription antibiotic indicated for the topical treatment of acne, the largest Dermatology indication in the US with a total market size of approximately $3 billion.
Both Veltin® and Altabax® will be commercialised through Almirall’s US affiliate, Aqua Pharmaceuticals. This strategic acquisition reinforces Almirall’s Dermatology franchise in the U.S. and the international expansion of the group.
Eduardo Sanchiz, Almirall Chief Executive Officer, stated: “These products have a great potential for growth in sizeable and growing markets. Considering the significant expertise of Aqua Pharmaceuticals in the Dermatology field, we are convinced they will be in a good position to maximize the potential of Veltin® and Altabax®. Both medicines are a perfect fit with our current portfolio, are aligned with our global strategy and strengthen our position in the US, which is the world’s largest Dermatology market”.
About Veltin®
Veltin® (clindamycin phosphate and tretinoin) is a prescription antibiotic indicated for the topical treatment of acne vulgaris in patients 12 years of age and older. The acne therapeutic business is the largest Dermatology indication in the US, with a total market size of approximately $3 billion. Veltin® should be applied once daily in the evening to the affected area.
About Altabax®
Altabax® (retapamulin ointment) is a topical antibiotic for the treatment of the skin infection impetigo in adults and pediatric patients. By binding to a site on the 50S sub-unit of the bacterial ribosome, Altabax inhibits protein synthesis through an interaction with the ribosome that is unique to the pleuromutilin class. In vitro, the active ingredient in Altabax has shown no target-specific cross-resistance to other established classes of antibacterials, likely because currently no other antibacterials use the exact same mode of action. Altabax is indicated for the treatment of impetigo due to susceptible strains of Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes. Altabax is indicated for use twice daily for a five-day period in patients nine months of age and older.
About Toctino®
Toctino® (alitretinoin), a once-daily oral treatment for adults with severe chronic hand eczema (CHE) unresponsive to potent topical corticosteroids. In the largest ever phase III clinical trial program in CHE, Toctino® was the first treatment to show effective clearing of severe CHE unresponsive to potent topical corticosteroids, with clear or almost clear hands achieved in 48%  percent of patients treated with 30 mg Toctino®. The once-daily oral therapy for adults is given for 12 to 24 weeks, depending on patient response, and six-month post-treatment observations in patients who responded to Toctino® indicate that treatment can provide long periods free from relapse and improve patient satisfaction.

This document includes only summary information and does not intend to be comprehensive. Facts, figures and opinions contained herein, other than historical, are "forward-looking statements". These statements are based on currently available information and on best estimates and assumptions believed to be reasonable by the Company. These statements involve risks and uncertainties beyond the Company's control. Therefore, actual results may differ materially from those stated by such forward-looking statements. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation to review or update any forward-looking statements, targets or estimates contained in this document to reflect any change in the assumptions, events or circumstances on which such forward-looking statements are based unless so required by applicable law.
About Almirall
Almirall is a global company based in Barcelona dedicated to providing valuable medicines and medical devices through its R&D, agreements and alliances. Our work covers the whole of the drug value chain. A consolidated growth allows us to devote our talent and efforts towards specialty areas and particularly to further grow as a leading Dermatology player. Our size enables us to be agile and flexible so that we can accomplish the purpose of taking our innovative products wherever they are needed.
Founded in 1943, Almirall is listed on the Spanish Stock Exchange (ticker: ALM) and it has become a source of value creation for society due to its vision and the commitment of its long-standing major shareholders. In 2014, its revenues totaled 1,407 million euros and, with more than 2,100 employees, it has gradually built up a trusted presence across Europe, as well as in the US and Mexico.
For more information, please visit www.almirall.com

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