Health & Wealth issues have been caught in the spotlight, when the Algarve / Portugal hosted the International Health & Wealth Conference (IHW), an interdisciplinary networking event bringing different sectors together, related to Health and Wealth and the Ageing Challenge.
And it was a unique experience.
We received a great feedback and a lot of encouraging words to continue, in order to establish IHW as a permanent facility for all stakeholders interested in our Health and Wealth approach.
Thus, here we are, with triple good news:
1) The International Health & Wealth Forum (IHW FORUM) will continue the framework developed by the organizers of the IHW Conference –
The IHW FORUM is set up as a very special interest group - a non-profit association, where Health & Wealth networking finds its honorable place, and where the community can explore the benefits from an interactive Health & Wealth platform.
As a first step, most of the presentations of the IHW Conference have been recorded and prepared as a webcast - and the first webcasts are now available online !
2) Until the set-up is of the IHW FORUM is finished, a temporary membership will be granted for every stakeholder, free of charge – just register, login on the new IHW FORUM homepage and repeat the IHW Conference experience - enjoy the webcasts !
3) Preparations for the Second Edition of the IHW Conference are beginning - if you are interested in supporting the IHW FORUM to host this special follow-up event, which will take place between November 2016 and March 2017 - please contact us via .
A rare occasion to debate the Health & Wealth issue in the right context – join the IHW FORUM.
We look forward to welcoming you !
IHW Conference Management
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